by Steven Holty, HSC Sustainability Leader
Earth Day reminds us that we have only one planet to pass on to future generations. We need to get it right by taking meaningful actions to reverse the negative impacts of climate change. HSC is working hard to do just that. We’re deeply dedicated to creating a more sustainable future for our company, our employees, the communities we call home and the world we share.
Inside our facilities, we’re making measurable progress toward meeting the sustainability goals set forth in our 2022 Sustainability Report. Later this year, we’ll release an updated report on company-wide efforts to reduce waste, become more energy efficient, secure cleaner energy sources, and optimize our production processes to minimize their environmental impact. From recycling cafeteria food waste to new energy-saving projects, we’re all in to reduce HSC’s carbon footprint.
HSC recently won several awards that highlight our commitment to energy efficiency – a key part of achieving our sustainability goals. Earlier this year, our team received national accolades from Energy Star for a project that discovered significant energy leakage in our waste heat recovery process. Solving this problem is reducing our annual energy consumption by eight gigawatt-hours and reducing emissions equal to 800 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Applying what we learned to other systems across our facility will generate even more energy savings and continue driving down our greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition, we were recently honored by Consumers Energy for the energy-saving efforts of several HSC teams whose collaboration and ingenuity not only contributed to major cost savings but support our sustainability goals of decarbonization and being an energy efficient site.

Sustainability also means supporting the well-being of our people by creating a welcoming and supportive workplace culture, where people feel like they belong, where their ideas are heard, and their hard work is valued. Our Women’s Professional Network (WPN) is just one example of how we foster this environment. This employee resource group provides a space for professionals to meet and discuss topics centered on work-life balance, professional development opportunities, and provides a supportive community for women in the workplace. This is just one of our Employee Resource Groups that are continuously working to create environments where all employees feel valued and empowered to reach their full potential.
Beyond our facility, HSC employees volunteer thousands of hours each year supporting impactful activities and programs that make communities across the Great Lakes Bay Region more resilient. Our Community and Regional Empowerment (CARE) Fund provides financial support for nonprofits that work toward the same goal by uplifting people and places across the region.
HSC’s unbending commitment to safety is another key pillar of our sustainability strategy. Keeping our employees, contractors and site visitors safe is deeply ingrained in everything we do. Our support for area first responders through Fire Service Training grants and collaborative partnerships make the communities surrounding our plant safer and more sustainable places to live, work and raise our families.
Sustainability is everyone’s business. We all have an important role to play in creating a healthier future for our people and planet. Earth Day is a great time to think about all the ways we can make a difference: recycling, installing energy efficient lighting, weatherizing our homes, going electric, or even installing rooftop solar panels to generate renewable energy.
Let’s all do our part – however big or small – to ensure a healthy planet for future generations.
Learn more about HSC’s commitment to sustainability at this link.