Community Alert & Preparedness
We engage and inform the public because of our total and unending commitment to safety in all we do.
Safety First, and Always
More than a vision statement, our safety first and safety always approach is just the right thing to do. Worker, community, and public safety has been a core value since the company’s inception and is actively promoted and practiced by leadership, employees, suppliers, and contractors in everything we do.
Our Commitment to Inform & Warn
- We are committed to safety for our employees, their families, our neighbors and the people in the communities where we live and work.
- We provide the information and tools our neighbors and surrounding communities need to be prepared and know what to do in case there is a chemical emergency.
- We are dedicated to transparency and the continual improvement of our environmental, health, safety, and security system. Interested parties can view our Operational Excellence and Management System Policy here.
- We actively engage with our Community Advisory Panel and area emergency response professionals to ensure we communicate, coordinate and work together to maximize safety.
- HSC keeps our community informed on site emergencies through our Facebook page.
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Emergency Notification
What HSC Siren Sounds Mean
The Tornado Warning, Muster Alert, Building Evacuation, and Site Evacuation sirens mean that Hemlock Semiconductor employees and contractors need to take action by either sheltering-in place or evacuating a building/area. Even though you may hear them, these sirens are meant for those groups only. We test these sirens bi-annually on the first Wednesday of January and July at noon.
On-Site Sirens:
🔊 Tornado Warning
🔊 Muster Alert
🔊 Building Evacuation
🔊 Site Evacuation
Community Warning Sirens
Saginaw County 9-1-1 activates sirens that are used to alert the community in the event of severe weather or a chemical accident. The community warning sirens are tested on the first Wednesday of every month (May-September at 7 p.m., and October-April at noon).
What is Shelter-In-Place?
Shelter-in-place is a proven and effective method of protecting both you and your family from the hazardous effects of chemical accidents, such as liquid chemical spills, vapor releases, and fires involving hazardous materials. Such accidents, while rare, could happen at any time and virtually anywhere.
Possible sources of a chemical emergency include manufacturing facilities, chemical plants, warehouses, retail establishments, farms, agricultural product centers, gas stations, and transportation (such as trucks and rail cars).
How do I Shelter-In-Place?
- When the Community Notification System is activated, immediately take your family and pets indoors.
- Tightly close and latch all doors and windows.
- Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems.
- Close fireplace dampers and any other vents to the outside.
- Go to an above-ground room (not the basement) with as few windows as possible and close the door. Gather your emergency supply kit.
- Stuff damp towels in the open space between the floor and the door.
- If necessary, seal doors, windows and any vents with duct tape and plastic sheeting.
- If you smell chemicals, breathe through wet washcloths or towels.
- Stay in the room and listen to the radio or watch TV for further instructions.
- If instructed to evacuate, follow instructions given by emergency personnel.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I shelter-in-place?
You should follow the shelter-in-place procedures whenever you receive notification of a chemical emergency. Instructions may be broadcast over the radio or cable television, directly by emergency personnel, or by the Community Notification System (such as sirens or telephone alerts). You should also shelter-in-place when you see or smell any unusual chemicals in the air.
Why not evacuate?
While evacuations may be necessary for rare situations, there would typically not be enough time to evacuate all affected individuals safely. The evacuation also endangers emergency personnel and individuals evacuating by potentially exposing them to the chemicals in question.
What if I’m in a vehicle?
If you are inside a vehicle during a chemical emergency, stop the vehicle at a safe location as soon as possible. Do not attempt to drive home or to another location. Shut off the vehicle’s engine, and follow the same basic shelter-in-place procedures. Roll up the windows, close vents, and turn on the radio for further instructions.
What about children at school?
If your children are at school or another care provider, do not attempt to get them. Doing so could put you and them in danger. They are safest at school until the emergency is over.
Why an above ground room?
Unlike a tornado emergency, basements are not recommended as shelter-in-place locations for chemical accidents. Most chemicals are heavier than air and will seek low lying areas, like basements. So, an above-ground room is the safest spot during a chemical emergency. If you do not have an above-ground room, a ground-level room will work fine. If possible, select a room on the side of the house opposite from the source of the chemical.
How will I know it is safe to go outside?
This will depend on the nature and location of the emergency but could occur in one of several ways: radio, television, directly by emergency personnel or via the Community Notification System (such as sirens or telephone alerts).
Should I call 9-1-1 for information?
Authorities request that you not call 911 unless you have an emergency or need immediate assistance. Non-emergency calls to 911 will tie up phone lines and dispatch personnel, preventing them from addressing true emergencies.
What media sources will have emergency information?
Tune into your local media outlets for additional emergency information.
What about emergency supplies?
It is recommended that you have supplies assembled for all types of emergencies, including chemical accidents. Suggested items for chemical emergencies include bottled water, towels & washcloths, plastic sheeting, duct tape, scissors (for cutting plastic), radio, flashlight, extra batteries, and a first aid kit.