Giving back to
the community
Corporate Citizenship:Building Great CommunitiesWhere We Live and Work.
HSC has been part of the Great Lakes Bay Region community for over 60 years. Our employees live and work here. So, every day, every year, we take action to improve the quality of life for all our neighbors.
Our corporate citizenship leadership team members and ambassadors manage company efforts, direct funding decisions, lead local community projects and advance STEM education in Saginaw, Midland, Bay and Gratiot counties.
energizing our community through service
Each year, HSC employees serve on numerous boards, donate thousands of volunteer hours and raise money to support more than one hundred nonprofit and community programs across the Great Lakes Bay Region HSC employees also are empowered to recommend sponsorships and youth grants that make a difference in the communities they call home.
Supplementing our employee contributions, HSC invests in improving the quality of life throughout the Great Lakes Bay Region through our Community and Regional Empowerment (CARE) Fund, which provides up to $300,000 annually for local projects and programs. Schools, government units and local groups with 501(c)(3) designation may apply for grants through the Bay Area Community Foundation, Midland Area Community Foundation or Saginaw Community Foundation.
Annual Application Deadlines: January 31, May 31 and September 30.
HSC’s employee and corporate citizenship efforts are designed to create resilient, sustainable communities across the Great Lakes Bay Region. We invest in key places, such as parks and community gathering spaces, and support community events that enrich all our lives.
A key focus of HSC’s corporate citizenship is promoting the health and safety of our neighboring communities through strong partnerships with local first responders. HSC provides annual training sponsorships for area fire departments and invites first responders to participate in training exercises on our Hemlock campus.
HSC Emergency Response Enhancement Grant
As part of our commitment to supporting our local emergency services in the Saginaw, Midland, Bay, and Gratiot counties, Hemlock Semiconductor proudly announces the 2024 HSC Emergency Response Enhancement Grant: Empowering faster and more effective emergency response. This program helps offset the costs of training, certifications, or response equipment – a small token of our immense gratitude for their unwavering service to our community. We value our first responders at Hemlock Semiconductor, as many of our employees and families live in the Great Lake Bay Region.
Please submit your completed application by June 30, 2024
building a diverse
& equitable pipeline
HSC’s community investments also aim to strengthen education across the Great Lakes Bay Region to create a diverse and equitable talent pipeline that will help our company grow and thrive for decades to come. With a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), HSC’s education investments highlight and strengthen career pathways for K-12 students by supporting basic skills and employability training, as well as advanced education opportunities like our partnership with Michigan Technological University’s Summer Youth Programs in engineering.
In addition to these initiatives, HSC connects with the communities around us through our Community Advisory Panel, Community Connections Newsletter and our Annual Community Calendar contest.
Community Advisory Panel
The Hemlock Semiconductor Community Advisory Panel (CAP) provides a forum to address issues and opportunities affecting Hemlock Semiconductor and the local community. The CAP consists of community representatives, such as residents, business owners, educators, community and public safety leaders, plus members of HSC management.
Community Connection Newsletter
We publish a newsletter for neighbors in the Great Lakes Bay Region with information about our employees’ engagement in the community, as well as safety and environmental topics.
Read the Community Connection Newsletter:
Annual community calendar
We sponsor an annual art contest for middle and high school students in Saginaw, Midland, Bay and Gratiot counties, based around a set theme each year. The winning artwork is featured in a calendar shared with our neighbors in the Great Lakes Bay Region.
Corporate Contributions Strategy
HSC employees are energizing our community through service.
- CARE Fund Grants
- Employee-Driven Sponsorships
- Youth Grants
- Volunteerism
We’re dedicated to creating a
vibrant hometown.
- Talent Attraction Spaces
- Key Events & Fundraisers
- Health & Safety
Our future depends on building a diverse and equitable talent pipeline.
- Skills & Employability
- Advanced Training & Education
- STEAM Career Pathways
To learn more about HSC’s involvement in the community or request support for your organization, community project or event, visit our community inquiries contact page.